Last Updated on February 25, 2025
Changes in the government, mean changes to our healthcare policies yet again. It is constantly a work in progress, but it seemed as though for patients with Diabetes and other chronic conditions that the Affordable Care Act under President Obama was a step in the right direction.
Now that another change is among us, patients with Diabetes are concerned about their healthcare options and availability. The repeal of the Affordable Care Act could be a scary time for people living with diabetes, which is why the American Diabetes Association is fighting for an alternative to simultaneously take over with the hopes that it will maintain or improve the existing access to healthcare for all Americans.
One of the major concerns about the repeal of the Affordable Care Act is the access to healthcare for people with a pre-existing condition. Before the Affordable Care Act took place, people with Diabetes were turned down, time and time again for healthcare that was needed because they were deemed too ‘high risk’ to insure. Without proper healthcare coverage, people with diabetes suffered because they were unable to keep their appointments and follow through with medications. This could lead to poor health which could also effect the costs of life insurance for diabetics. Healthcare should be available to everyone regardless of condition, age, gender, or other status.
Another concern is that if patients with diabetes can get coverage, they need to be able to afford it. When copays and deductibles are too far out of reach, then having insurance becomes a mute point. Patients with diabetes are still unable to afford medications or visits to the doctor since they first have to meet an unreasonably high deductible. If they cannot meet their deductible then nothing would be covered, even with their insurance policy.
Yes, it still covers for major medical emergencies and is better than having no insurance at all but makes it extremely difficult to manage a disease that needs close monitoring and continued medication use.
Lifetime coverage limits make the list of a top concern when discussing the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
Diabetes takes time and resources to manage. It also can begin at a very young age so placing a limit for a lifetime of what can be used for treating a diabetic patient is outrageous. When dealing with diabetes, you and your loved ones might be forced to worry about insurance when your health should be your top concern.
Placing limitations on the access to insurance should never happen, especially when insurance is such a crucial part of our government and our lives. This is a time, when it is nearly unaffordable to go just for a well visit, let alone walk into a doctor with a serious medical condition with little to no insurance coverage.
It is important to feel confident with the care that is being given as well as being able to afford proper care without the added financial burden. It is even more important to know that coverage will not be taken away from you or denied because of a medical condition.